九年級師生在教室參加升旗儀式 向國旗行禮
All good things will come
Dear teachers and classmates:
good morning!.
2020年的開端與往日有所不同,街道上少了往日的歡聲笑語,多了一絲凄涼和孤寂。The start of 2020 will be different. The streets will be less cheerful and more desolate.病毒向我們伸出魔爪,他無情至極,但人間卻是有情的。我們身后有國家和人民英雄在替我們撐起一切。The virus reaches out its claws to us, it is merciless, but the human is sentient.Behind us, the heroes of our country and people are holding up everything for us. 歲月從不靜好,正因?yàn)橛辛怂麄?/span>,我們才能遇見的都是溫暖與美好。今天,我們?yōu)榇蠹已葜v的題目是:一切美好,終將如期而至。Time is never quiet, because of them, we can meet the warmth and beauty.Today, our topic for you is: All good things will come
新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎在中國爆發(fā)之后,總有無數(shù)勇敢的人堅守在崗位的一線,以自己的力量爭分奪秒地從病魔手中挽救人類的生命。沒有生而英勇的人,只是他們選擇了無畏。 After the outbreak of pneumonia by novel coronavirus in China, there are always countless brave people who stick to their posts and fight against the clock to save human lives.No one was born with bravery , but they choose to be fearless.不曾忘,那個耄耋之年臨危受命,奮戰(zhàn)于疫情第一線的鐘南山院士;不曾忘,那些寫在請愿書上的一枚枚鮮紅的指印,“不論生死,不計報酬”寫滿鏗鏘有力的白衣天使;不曾忘,風(fēng)華正茂的女孩兒們,褪去華服,剪短青絲,披一身注入靈魂的白衣。不知疫情之危險,生死兩茫然,可國難當(dāng)頭,血脈滾燙,他們眼中只有呻吟的國土和掙扎的患者。I have never forgotten the academician zhong Nanshan who was appointed to the frontline of the epidemic at the age of 80.I have never forgotten those who write on the petition a piece of bright red finger print, "regardless of life and death, regardless of pay" write sonorous white angels;Never forget the young girls, shed the dress, cut short the black hair, put on a body into the soul of the white clothes.They ignore the danger of the epidemic, life and death both at a loss, but the national disaster head, blood boiling, their eyes only moaning land and struggling patients.魯迅先生曾說:“于一切眼中看見無所有,于無所希望中得救。為了讓更多人見到春天,有些人把自己化作了春天。正是因?yàn)橛辛诉@些人,人間才有不期而遇的希望與愛存在。沒有一個冬天不可逾越,沒有一個春天不會來臨。Lu xun once said, "see nothing in all eyes, save nothing in hope.In order to let more people see spring, some people turn themselves into spring. It is because of these people that there is hope and love for unexpected encounters. There is no winter insurmountable, there is no spring will not come.
親愛的同學(xué)們,通過這次的疫情,我們不光看到了無數(shù)偉大的人,在我們身邊也有無數(shù)平凡英雄默默守護(hù)著我們。學(xué)校為了能夠讓我們盡快復(fù)學(xué),做了不少的努力。Dear cllassmates, through this epidemic, we not only see countless great people, in our side also have countless ordinary heroes silently guard us.The school has made great efforts to let us resume our studies as soon as possible.學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)每天早中晚站在門口迎接我們上學(xué)放學(xué),視察上課情況,引導(dǎo)我們?nèi)绾巫龊梅揽毓ぷ鳎?/span>行政人員們穿上防護(hù)服,不辭辛苦地為我們測量體溫;老師們有的穿上志愿者的衣服,站在校園的各個角落里維持秩序,有的依舊站在講臺上,戴著口罩,不畏艱辛地給我們傳授知識;后勤人員每天按時按點(diǎn)地為我們消毒教室;父母不言勞累地接送我們,為我們洗衣做飯。Every morning, afternoon and evening, school leaders would stand at the door to welcome us to school, inspect the situation in class, and guide us to do a good job in prevention and control;Administrators put on protective clothing and went out of their way to take our temperatures;Some teachers wear volunteer clothes, standing in every corner of the campus to maintain order, some are still standing on the platform, wearing masks, not afraid of hard to teach us knowledge;The logistic staff disinfect the classroom for us every day on time.Parents do not say tired to pick us up, for our laundry and cooking. 他們只為了讓我們能夠安心學(xué)習(xí),奮戰(zhàn)中招!在此向你們說一句:“辛苦了!They just fight for us to be able to study at ease!Here to say to you 1: "laborious!"”雖然現(xiàn)在是他們來保護(hù)我們,那么多年以后,一定是換我們來保護(hù)他們。所以我們定要努力學(xué)習(xí),不負(fù)使命,不負(fù)所有人的期望。Although they protect us now, in many years, it must be us who protect them.So we must study hard and live up to our mission and everyone's expectations.中招考試就近在眼前,再不努力那又待何時呢?雖然很煎熬,但你要明白,自己摸黑偷偷走的路,都會變成意外來襲時你少受的苦。剩下的時間,既然選擇了夢想和遠(yuǎn)方,應(yīng)當(dāng)不負(fù)青春,砥礪前行。既然你來都來了,卻不努力,怎么對得起自己走這一遭呢?The exam is close to us, why don’t we work hard? Although it is very painful, you have to understand that their own dark stealthy road, will become the accident when you suffer less.The rest of the time, since the choice of the dream and the distance, should live up to the youth, forge ahead.Since you have come here, but not hard, how to live up to their walk this time?最小的差距是智商,最大的差距就是堅持;最痛苦的事不是失敗,而是你本應(yīng)該可以!The smallest gap is IQ, the biggest gap is insist;The most painful thing is not failure, but you should be able to!八百、一千米再累也就三四分鐘;題再難也就初中水平;早上起的再早,你也休息過了;作業(yè)再多,也就幾個小時,能學(xué)點(diǎn)就學(xué)點(diǎn)兒吧。待你收到自己心儀的錄取通知書時,會回過頭來感謝現(xiàn)在的自己。Eight hundred, one kilometer again tired also three or four minutes;Again difficult also on the junior high school level;No matter how early you get up in the morning, you have rested.Any more homework, just a few hours, you can learn some.When you receive your desired admission letter, you will look back and thank yourselves.親愛的同學(xué)們,再加油吧!乾坤未定,你我皆是黑馬,我們一定要贏!Dear classmates, come on!The universe is not decided, you and I are the dark horses. We must win!
所有細(xì)微之下,都隱藏著春暖花開,冰面破裂的巨響。若待上林花似錦,出門俱是看花人。春風(fēng)四月,萬物復(fù)蘇,親愛的同學(xué)們,讓我們守望相助,共克時艱,揮灑汗水,共創(chuàng)輝煌!Beneath all the subtlety, there was the sound of spring blossoms and ice breaking.If you stay in the forest flowers like brocade, go out is to see the flowers.Spring April, all things recovery, Dear classmates, let,s help each other, overcome difficulties, just sweat, create brilliant achievement!
That’s all. Thank you!